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GeneAll 價(jià)格更新

更新時(shí)間:2024-03-10      點(diǎn)擊次數(shù):199

GeneAll 創(chuàng)始于 1999 年,是一家專業(yè)化致力于提供生物分子樣本制備和分析方案的生物技術(shù)公司。  產(chǎn)品線涵蓋:基因組/質(zhì)粒/片段 DNA 提取、RNA 提取,DNA 產(chǎn)物純化和膠回收,蛋白純化,PCR、RT-PCR 熒光定量,miRNA 等研究相關(guān)試劑、耗材、儀器。   

GeneAllGA-100GENESTATM 1kb DNA Ladder with 5x Loading   Dye5832
GeneAllGA-010GENESTATM 100bp DNA Ladder with 5x Loading Dye6786.18
GeneAllGA-025GENESTATM 250bp DNA Ladder with 5x Loading Dye5832
GeneAllGA-100SGENESTATM 1kb DNA Ladder6786.18
GeneAllGA-010SGENESTATM 100bp DNA Ladder5832
GeneAllGA-025SGENESTATM 250bp DNA Ladder5832
GeneAll100-150Exprep Hybrid-Q Plasmid6992.64
GeneAll100-102Exprep Hybrid-Q Plasmid5310
GeneAll101-150Exprep Plasmid SV5832
GeneAll101-102Exprep Plasmid SV6032.16
GeneAll101-226Exprep Plasmid SV5364
GeneAll101-250Exprep Plasmid SV7146
GeneAll101-201Exprep Plasmid SV13006.8
GeneAll111-150Exfection Plasmid LE4014
GeneAll111-102Exfection Plasmid LE6786.18
GeneAll111-226Exfection Plasmid LE6480
GeneAll111-201Exfection Plasmid LE15750
GeneAll121-220Exfection Plasmid EF7668
GeneAll121-201Exfection Plasmid EF27437.76
GeneAll102-150Expin Gel SV4356.54
GeneAll102-102Expin Gel SV5832
GeneAll103-150Expin PCR SV3618
GeneAll103-102Expin PCR SV6451.56
GeneAll112-150Expin Combo GP3744
GeneAll112-102Expin Combo GP6786.18
GeneAll113-150Expin Clean Up SV4183.2
GeneAll113-102Expin Clean Up SV6492.96
GeneAll104-101Exgene Tissue SV5832
GeneAll104-152Exgene Tissue SV9090
GeneAll104-226Exgene Tissue SV5436
GeneAll104-201Exgene Tissue SV12860.1
GeneAll104-310Exgene Tissue SV5571.36
GeneAll104-326Exgene Tissue SV7794
GeneAll109-101Exgene Tissue SV plus6102
GeneAll109-152Exgene Tissue SV plus9360
GeneAll109-226Exgene Tissue SV plus5580
GeneAll109-201Exgene Tissue SV plus11700
GeneAll109-310Exgene Tissue SV plus5885.46
GeneAll109-326Exgene Tissue SV plus8046
GeneAll105-101Exgene Blood SV6492.96
GeneAll105-152Exgene Blood SV10283.94
GeneAll105-226Exgene Blood SV5184
GeneAll105-201Exgene Blood SV10800
GeneAll105-310Exgene Blood SV4536
GeneAll501-025AmpONETM Taq DNA polymerase (5U/ul) 10x Taq reaction buffer, dNTP mix, 6x   loading Dye3895.74
GeneAll541-010Amp MasterTM Taq master mix3832.92
GeneAll105-326Exgene Blood SV7398
GeneAll106-101Exgene Cell SV7100.28
GeneAll541-050Amp MasterTM Taq master mix5184
GeneAll526-200Taq premix Solution, 8-strip [10 ul (8 tubes)]4000.5
GeneAll106-152Exgene Cell SV9360
GeneAll106-310Exgene Cell SV4914
GeneAll526-500Taq premix Solution, 8-strip [25 ul (8 tubes)]3978
GeneAll601-100Hyperscript RTase 10000 Units (200 unit/ul)5058
GeneAll106-326Exgene Cell SV9215.64
GeneAll108-101Exgene Clinic SV5832
GeneAll601-005HypeScript™ First strand Synthesis kit7707.6
GeneAll601-602HyperscriptTM RT Premix, Liquid5526
GeneAll108-152Exgene Clinic SV10577.16
GeneAll108-226Exgene Clinic SV5310
GeneAll601-7102X Hyperscript RT Master Mix5058
GeneAll602-1102X 1 Step RT-PCR Master Mix6325.38
GeneAll108-201Exgene Clinic SV12713.58
GeneAll108-310Exgene Clinic SV5424.66
GeneAll801-0202X SYBR qPCR Master Mix and low Rox dye (0.2 ml X 1 tube)5310
GeneAll801-0502X SYBR qPCR Master Mix and low Rox dye (0.5 ml X 1 tube)9215.64
GeneAll108-326Exgene Clinic SV8754.84
GeneAll138-150Exgene FFPE Tissue DNA6325.38
GeneAll801-0212X SYBR qPCR Master Mix high Rox dye (0.2 ml X 1 tube)5310
GeneAll801-0512X SYBR qPCR Master Mix high Rox dye (0.2 ml X 1 tube)7920
GeneAll138-152Exgene FFPE Tissue DNA11844
GeneAll114-150Exgene Soil DNA8880.66
GeneAll115-150Exgene Stool SV4896
GeneAll127-101Exgene Rice SV9270
GeneAll117-101Exgene Plant SV6876
GeneAll117-152Exgene Plant SV10656
GeneAll117-226Exgene Plant SV7100.28
GeneAll117-201Exgene Plant SV15436.26
GeneAll117-310Exgene Plant SV6325.38
GeneAll117-326Exgene Plant SV9969.66
GeneAll118-050ExgeneTM Genomic DNA Micro5993.82
GeneAll128-150ExgeneTM Viral DNA/RNA6325.38
GeneAllC09-150CFC HPV6325.38
GeneAllC09-101CFC HPV9157.14
GeneAll220-101GenEx Blood Sx4963.86
GeneAll220-105GenEx Blood Sx7540.2
GeneAll220-301GenEx Blood Lx15897.06
GeneAll221-101GenEx Cell Sx4963.86
GeneAll221-105GenEx Cell Sx7492.14
GeneAll221-301GenEx Cell Lx13662
GeneAll222-101GenEx Tissue Sx5244.48
GeneAll222-105GenEx Tissue Sx7272
GeneAll222-301GenEx Tissue Lx18064.44
GeneAll227-101GenEx Plant Sx4536
GeneAll227-201GenEx Plant Mx8461.62
GeneAll227-301GenEx Plant Lx15624
GeneAll228-101GenEx Plant plus Sx5616
GeneAll228-250GenEx Plant plus Mx8273.16
GeneAll228-320GenEx Plant plus Lx8082
GeneAll260-011DirExTM Fast-Tissue, 12 x 0.2ml 8-tube strip6325.38
GeneAll260-021DirExTM Fast-Cell, 12 x 0.2ml 8-tube strip6285.06
GeneAll260-031DirExTM Fast-Whole blood, 12 x 0.2ml 8-tube strip5436
GeneAll260-041DirExTM Fast-Blood Strain, 12 x 0.2ml 8-tube strip5436
GeneAll260-051DirExTM Fast-Hair, 12 x 0.2ml 8-tube strip5436
GeneAll260-061DirExTM Fast-Buccal swab, 12 x 0.2ml 8-tube strip5436
GeneAll260-071DirExTM Fast-Cigarette butts, 12 x 0.2ml 8-tube strip6285.06
GeneAll100-110Exprep Hybrid-Q6178.68
GeneAll101-110Exprep Plasmid SV6178.68
GeneAll101-204Exprep Plasmid SV5832
GeneAll111-110Exfection Plasmid LE5058
GeneAll111-202Exfection Plasmid LE6786.18
GeneAll121-202Exfection Plasmid EF5832
GeneAll102-110Expin Gel SV5310
GeneAll103-110Expin PCR SV6178.68
GeneAll112-110Expin Combo GP5310
GeneAll113-110Expin Clean up SV6139.44
GeneAll104-106Exgene Tissue SV5058
GeneAll104-204Exgene Tissue SV6178.68
GeneAll104-302Exgene Tissue SV5832
GeneAll109-106Exgene Tissue SV Plus5058
GeneAll109-204Exgene Tissue SV Plus5310
GeneAll109-302Exgene Tissue SV Plus5832
GeneAll105-106Exgene Blood SV5310
GeneAll105-204Exgene Blood SV5832
GeneAll105-302Exgene Blood SV5310
GeneAll106-106Exgene Cell SV5058
GeneAll106-302Exgene Cell SV5832
GeneAll701-001ProtinEx total protein extraction solution5832
GeneAll751-001PAGESTA Reducing 5 x SDS-PAGE sample Buffer7707.6
GeneAll108-106Exgene Clinic SV5310
GeneAll108-204Exgene Clinic SV5832
GeneAll108-302Exgene Clinic SV5310
GeneAll701-010ProtinEx Total Protein extraction solution6354
GeneAll751-010PAGESTA Reducing 5 x SDS-PAGE sample Buffer6178.68
GeneAll114-106Exgene Soil SV6786.18
GeneAll115-106Exgene Stool SV5310
GeneAll117-110Exgene Plant SV6325.38
GeneAll117-204Exgene Plant SV5832
GeneAll117-302Exgene Plant SV6786.18
GeneAll118-006Exgene Genomic DNA Micro6178.68
GeneAll128-108Exgene Viral DNA/RNA6178.68
GeneAll138-106Exgene FFPE Tissue DNA6786.18
GeneAll220-110GenEx Blood6139.44
GeneAll221-110GenEx Cell5310
GeneAll222-110GenEx Tissue5310
GeneAll227-020GenEx Plant6742.98
GeneAll228-100GenEx Plant plus5058
GeneAll228-200GenEx Plant plus6325.38
GeneAll228-300GenEx Plant plus5310
GeneAll260-018DirExTM Fast-Tissue, 1 x 0.2ml 8-tube strip6178.68
GeneAll260-028DirExTM Fast-Cell, 1 x 0.2ml 8-tube strip5310
GeneAll260-038DirExTM Fast-Whole blood, 1 x 0.2ml 8-tube strip5310
GeneAll260-048DirExTM Fast-Blood Strain, 1 x 0.2ml 8-tube strip6178.68
GeneAll260-058DirExTM Fast-Hair, 1 x 0.2ml 8-tube strip5310
GeneAll260-068DirExTM Fast-Buccal swab, 1 x 0.2ml 8-tube strip6178.68
GeneAll260-078DirExTM Fast-Cigarette butts, 1 x 0.2ml 8-tube strip6139.44
GeneAll101-901Buffer S15832
GeneAll101-911Buffer S25885.46
GeneAll111-921Buffer G36597.54
GeneAllAW-004Buffer AW w/o Ethanol6786.18
GeneAllPW-004Buffer PW w/o Ethanol5058
GeneAll101-951Buffer EB5310
GeneAll101-961RNase A (20mg/ml)5310
GeneAll101-990mini column type Q5310
GeneAll100-995EzClear filter mini column w/o collection tube5832
GeneAll101-921Buffer S36201.9
GeneAll101-903Buffer S16264.36
GeneAll101-913Buffer S26241.5
GeneAll101-925Buffer S36867.9
GeneAllAW-005Buffer AW w/o Ethanol6597.54
GeneAll101-954Buffer EB5310
GeneAll101-963RNase A (20mg/ml)6178.68
GeneAll101-987Midi column type Q5832
GeneAll101-988EzClear filter Midi column6786.18
GeneAll111-901Buffer P16742.98
GeneAll111-911Buffer P25848.02
GeneAll111-933Buffer EW16178.68
GeneAllEW2-007Buffer EW2 w/o Ethanol5885.46
GeneAll111-951Buffer EF6178.68
GeneAll111-990mini column type Qe5310
GeneAll111-903Buffer P16139.44
GeneAll111-913Buffer P26451.56
GeneAll111-922Buffer G36742.98
GeneAll121-930Buffer P36742.98
GeneAll111-935Buffer EW13744
GeneAllEW2-006Buffer EW2 w/o Ethanol5310
GeneAll121-940Buffer ER6139.44
GeneAll121-950Buffer EG4183.2
GeneAll111-952Buffer EF5058
GeneAll101-966RNase A (20mg/ml)5832
GeneAll111-984Midi column type E6139.44
GeneAll102-901Buffer GB3798
GeneAllNW-005Buffer NW w/o Ethanol6492.96
GeneAll102-990mini column type D5310
GeneAll103-901Buffer PB4356.54
GeneAll113-901Buffer NR4356.54
GeneAll104-901Buffer TL5526
GeneAll104-911Buffer TB4786.74
GeneAllBW-006Buffer BW w/o Ethanol6241.5
GeneAllTW-008Buffer TW w/o Ethanol6492.96
GeneAll104-941Buffer AE5832
GeneAll392-103Proteinase K (lyophilized)5706
GeneAll392-903Storage buffer for Proteinase K6178.68
GeneAll104-994mini column type G5310
GeneAll109-913Buffer RL5832
GeneAll105-901Buffer BL4545
GeneAll106-901Buffer GP5832
GeneAll106-911Buffer YL6430.14
GeneAll106-921Buffer CL6178.68
GeneAll114-900Buffer SL6742.98
GeneAll114-910Buffer RH6304.32
GeneAll117-914Buffer PD6264.36
GeneAll104-910Buffer TB4419.36
GeneAllNW-002Buffer NW w/o Ethanol6139.44
GeneAll115-900Buffer PBS5885.46
GeneAll115-910Buffer FL3618
GeneAll103-900Buffer PB5832
GeneAll101-950Buffer EB6178.68
GeneAll115-992EzPass filter mini column5310
GeneAll117-901Buffer PL5310
GeneAll117-911Buffer PD6493.14
GeneAllBD-005Buffer BD w/o Ethanol6534.72
GeneAllCW-008Buffer CW w/o Ethanol6451.56
GeneAll104-944Buffer AE5580
GeneAll117-960RNase A (100mg/ml)3870
GeneAll117-961RNase A (100mg/ml)5832
GeneAll117-981EzSep filter mini column5310
GeneAll106-920Buffer CL5310
GeneAll105-900Buffer BL6639.48
GeneAllBW-003Buffer BW w/o Ethanol5310
GeneAllTW-003Buffer TW w/o Ethanol6178.68
GeneAll104-945Buffer AE5310
GeneAll190-801micro column type S5832
GeneAll105-907Buffer BL5832
GeneAllRB1-002Buffer RB1 w/o Ethanol5310
GeneAll302-921Nuclease-free water5310
GeneAll138-911Buffer DP5832
GeneAll138-921Buffer FPL6178.68
GeneAll138-931Buffer FPB5832
GeneAll390-003RNase A (4mg/ml)6786.18
GeneAll250-921DirExTM PK set -. Proteinase K (lyophilized), 2.2mg -. Storage buffer for   Proteinase K, 1ml6742.98
GeneAll391-001RNase A (20mg/ml)5310
GeneAll301-001RiboEx Total RNA4680
GeneAll301-002RiboEx Total RNA6138
GeneAll302-001RiboEx LS Total RNA5022
GeneAll302-002RiboEx LS Total RNA6768
GeneAll315-150Hybrid-R Blood RNA6174
GeneAll325-150Hybrid-R miRNA6174
GeneAll302-150Ribospin vRD5310
GeneAll322-150Ribospin vRD II5436
GeneAll313-150Riboclear plus5310
GeneAll314-150Ribospin II6974.64
GeneAll314-103Ribospin II18522
GeneAll307-150Ribospin Plant7246.98
GeneAll317-150Ribospin Seed / Fruit6228
GeneAll351-001RiboSaver RNA stabilization solution5244.48
GeneAll302-010RiboEx LS6285.06
GeneAll315-106Hybrid-R Blood RNA6325.38
GeneAll325-106Hybrid-R miRNA5436
GeneAll302-106Ribospin vRD5310
GeneAll312-106Ribospin vRD plus6139.44
GeneAll322-108Ribospin vRD II6178.68
GeneAll313-106Riboclear plus5885.46
GeneAll314-106Ribospin II5832
GeneAll307-106Ribospin Plant5832
GeneAll317-106Ribospin Seed / Fruit5832
GeneAll351-010Ribosaver RNA stabilization solution6325.38
GeneAllRB1-005Buffer RB1 w/o Ethanol5832
GeneAll301-922Buffer SW16139.44
GeneAllRNW-005Buffer RNW w/o Ethanol5310
GeneAll302-922Nuclease-free water5310
GeneAll304-800mini column type F5364
GeneAllRBW-003Buffer RBW w/o Ethanol5310
GeneAllRNW-003Buffer RNW w/o Ethanol6325.38
GeneAll301-941RNase-free water6139.44
GeneAll303-800mini column type W5832
GeneAll190-802EzPure filter mini column6786.18
GeneAllRNW-006Buffer RNW w/o Ethanol6786.18
GeneAll301-800mini column type B5832
GeneAll302-901Buffer VL5832
GeneAllRB1-004Buffer RB1 w/o Ethanol5058
GeneAll302-800mini column type V5364
GeneAll322-901Buffer NVL5832
GeneAllMS-002Buffer MS w/o Ethanol6786.18
GeneAll396-007DNase I5832
GeneAll304-901Buffer LYS5832
GeneAll304-911Buffer GW15310
GeneAll314-912Buffer RAL4932.36
GeneAll314-922Buffer RW5580
GeneAllRSW-003Buffer RSW w/o Ethanol5310
GeneAll307-924Buffer DRB6492.96
GeneAll396-010DNase I4963.86
GeneAll302-926Nuclease-free water5832
GeneAll307-901Buffer RPL6786.18
GeneAll307-911Buffer REL6139.44
GeneAllRBW-005Buffer RBW w/o Ethanol5885.46
GeneAll307-921Buffer DRB6285.06
GeneAll396-002DNase I6786.18
GeneAll317-901Buffer ML6304.32
GeneAll306-900Buffer CTL6786.18
GeneAll304-912Buffer GW16325.38
GeneAllGTI032GENTi 32 Automated Nucleic Acid Purification system420300
GeneAllGST012STEADi 12 Automated Nucleic Acid Purification system455774.04
GeneAllGST024STEADi 24 Automated Nucleic Acid Purification system697188.6
GeneAll901-048GENTi32 Genomic DNA Kit6786.18
GeneAll901-096GENTi32 Genomic DNA Kit8964.36
GeneAll902-048GENTi32 Blood Genomic DNA Kit5832
GeneAll902-096GENTi32 Blood Genomic DNA Kit7704
GeneAll401-104STEADi Genomic DNA Cell/Tissue kit12315.6
GeneAll402-105STEADi Genomic DNA Blood Kit12315.6
GeneAll404-304STEADi Total RNA Kit12237.3
GeneAll405-322STEADi viral RNA/DNA II Kit12315.6
GeneAll406-C02STEADi CFC Seed DNA/RNA Kit13212
GeneAll407-117STEADi Genomic DNA Plant Kit9018
GeneAll409-024STEADi Root Viral DNA/RNA Kit18085.32
GeneAll408-114STEADi Soil Kit9018
GeneAllDST05Standard tip in rack, 5ul pipette tip, 0.5-5ul7393.5
GeneAllDST05SStandard tip in rack, 5ul pipette tip, 0.5-5ul, Sterilized6624
GeneAllDST10Standard tip in rack, 10ul pipette tip, 0.5-10ul5760
GeneAllDST10SStandard tip in rack, 10ul pipette tip, 0.5-10ul, Sterilized6995.52
GeneAllDST200Standard tip in rack, 200ul pipette tip, 10-200ul5778
GeneAllDST200SStandard tip in rack, 200ul pipette tip, 10-200ul, Sterilized6066
GeneAllDST300Standard tip in rack, 300ul pipette tip, 10-300ul5958
GeneAllDST300SStandard tip in rack, 300ul pipette tip, 10-300ul, Sterilized6174
GeneAllDST1250Standard tip in rack, 1250ul pipette tip, 100-1,250ul6138
GeneAllDST1250SStandard tip in rack, 1250ul pipette tip, 100-1,250ul, Sterilized6408
GeneAllDRT05SRefill tip in rack, 5ul pipette tip, 0.5-5ul, Sterilized7938
GeneAllDRT10SRefill tip in rack, 10ul pipette tip, 0.5-10ul, Sterilized7146
GeneAllDRT200SRefill tip in rack, 200ul pipette tip, 10-200ul, Sterilized8315.1
GeneAllDRT300SRefill tip in rack, 300ul pipette tip, 10-300ul, Sterilized8136
GeneAllDRT1250SRefill tip in rack, 1250ul pipette tip, 100-1,250ul, Sterilized5706
GeneAllDSTB10MStandard tip (Bulk type), 10ul pipette tip, 0.5-10ul (Minimum Binding)4950
GeneAllDSTB200MStandard tip (Bulk type), 200ul pipette tip, 1-200ul (Minimum Binding)5759.82
GeneAllDSTB1250MStandard tip (Bulk type), 1250ul pipette tip, 100-1,250ul (Minimum   Binding)4838.22
GeneAllDSTB5000Standard tip (Bulk type), 5ml pipette tip, 1-5ml5328
GeneAllDSTB10000Standard tip (Bulk type), 10ml pipette tip, 1-10ml4374
GeneAllDFT05SFilter tip in rack, 5ul pipette tip, 0.5-5ul, Sterilized8838
GeneAllDFT05SMFilter tip in rack, 5ul pipette tip, 0.5-5ul, Sterilized (Minimum   Binding)11770.92
GeneAllDFT10SFilter tip in rack, 10ul pipette tip, 0.5-10ul, Sterilized8273.16
GeneAllDFT10SMFilter tip in rack, 10ul pipette tip, 0.5-10ul, Sterilized (Minimum   Binding)8190
GeneAllDFT20SFilter tip in rack, 20ul pipette tip, 10-20ul, Sterilized7110
GeneAllDFT20SMFilter tip in rack, 20ul pipette tip, 10-20ul, Sterilized (Minimum   Binding)8190
GeneAllDFT100SFilter tip in rack, 100ul pipette tip, 10-100ul, Sterilized7110
GeneAllDFT100SMFilter tip in rack, 100ul pipette tip, 10-100ul, Sterilized (Minimum   Binding)8190
GeneAllDFT200SFilter tip in rack, 200ul pipette tip, 10-200ul, Sterilized8273.16
GeneAllDFT200SMFilter tip in rack, 200ul pipette tip, 10-200ul, Sterilized (Minimum   Binding)8190
GeneAllDFT500SFilter tip in rack, 500ul pipette tip, 100-500ul, Sterilized7290
GeneAllDFT500SMFilter tip in rack, 500ul pipette tip, 100-500ul, Sterilized (Minimum   Binding)8388
GeneAllDFT1000SFilter tip in rack, 1000ul pipette tip, 100-1,000ul, Sterilized7290
GeneAllDFT1000SMFilter tip in rack, 1000ul pipette tip, 100-1,000ul, Sterilized (Minimum   Binding)8388
GeneAllDMT060Standard Microtube, 0.6ml clear5832
GeneAllDMT150SAStandard Microtube, 1.5ml clear, Sterilized, Boiling proof cap4554
GeneAllDMT150SStandard Microtube, 1.5ml clear, Sterilized, Safe lock4554
GeneAllDMT175Standard Microtube, 1.7ml clear5152.5
GeneAllDMT200Standard Microtube, 2.0ml clear5148
GeneAllDMT500Standard Microtube, 5.0ml, Clear5598
GeneAllDMT500XStandard Microtube, 5.0ml, Amber5598
GeneAllDPT020RTStandard PCR tube, 0.2ml flat cap9406.8
GeneAllDPT0208DStandard PCR 8-strip tube, 0.2ml tube with Dome cap11790
GeneAllDPT0208TStandard PCR 8-strip tube, 0.2ml tube w/o cap16713.9
GeneAllDPT0208RCStandard PCR 8-strip cap, 0.2ml flat cap w/o tube7002
GeneAllDPT0104TPCR strip tube for Rotor Gene w/o cap15687.72
GeneAllDPT0104CPCR strip tube cap for Rotor Gene w/o tube18180
GeneAllDPL96HS2PCR 96 plate, Half Skirt type, 200ul6389.1
GeneAllDPL96NSPCR 96 plate, No Skirt type, 200ul6115.86
GeneAllDPL96FSPCR 96 plate, Full Skirt type, 100ul6389.1
GeneAllDPL96ESPCR 96 plate, Elevated Skirt type, 200ul5706
GeneAllDPL96HS1PCR 96 plate, Half Skirt type, 100ul6639.48
GeneAllDPM96CSealing film for PCR 96/384 Plate, clear type6822
GeneAllDPM96WSilicon mat for PCR 96 Plate, white type4950
GeneAllDER10Empty Rack for 10ul Tip5655.06
GeneAllDER200Empty Rack for 200~300ul Tip5655.06
GeneAllDER1000Empty Rack for 1000ul Tip4860
GeneAllDER10B10 ul Bulk Tip Rack; 50 racks per case4050
GeneAllDER200B200 ul Bulk Tip Rack; 50 racks per case4754.52
GeneAllDER1250B1250 ul Bulk Tip Rack; 50 racks per case5173.38
GeneAllDER5000B5ml Bulk Tip Rack4775.4
GeneAllDER10000B10ml Bulk Tip Rack4104
GeneAllDETR0515Empty Rack for 5, 10 & 15ml tube, 5x10(50) holes7665.84
GeneAllDCT50SPP Conical Centrifuge tube, 50ml, Sterilized4942.98
GeneAllDCT15SPP Conical Centrifuge tube, 15ml, Sterilized3978
GeneAllDCR1550Empty Rack for 15 & 50ml conical tube (15ml x 6 holes & 50ml x 15   holes)6178.68
GeneAll902-048GENTi32 Viral DNA/RNA Kit7055.1
GeneAll902-096GENTi32 Viral DNA/RNA Kit9676.44
GeneAll104-941Buffer AE5832
GeneAll114-900Buffer SL6742.98
GeneAll117-961RNase A (100mg/ml)5832
GeneAll396-007Buffer for DNase I5832


  • 聯(lián)系人:賴秀麗
  • 地址:無(wú)錫市惠山區(qū)惠山大道1699號(hào)惠山生命科技園C區(qū)5棟5315室
  • 郵箱:46606436@qq.com
  • 傳真:


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